First of all, sorry for writing in English but I'm not German and I almost don't understand German language. I'm new in this forum, I'm a Portuguese guy looking for info concerning spotting points in Vogtland, stations with nice traffic (not always the same type of train, you know...). I will be in Plauen from the 21.August till the 31.August and I would like to photograph and make some videos around the region. If someone here would like to help me I really appreciate it. Best regards !!
Zitat von Außenstelle Herlasgrüwenn itze noch ahner englisch kennt
Zunächst einmal, Entschuldigung für das schreiben in Englisch, aber ich bin kein Deutscher und ich verstehe die deutsche Sprache nur sehr schwer.
Ich bin ein Portugiese und neu in diesem Forum auf der und Suche nach Infos über Fotopunkte im Vogtland.
Ich werde in Plauen vom 21.August bis 31.August verbleiben und würde gerne Fotos und einige Videos rund um die Region anfertigen. Wenn hier mir jemand helfen möchte würde ich mich wirklich glücklich schätzen.
Hello, my name is Jörg and I hope that i can help you. Nice points in our region are around the village of Gutenfürst and we also have big bridges, names are Göltzschtalbrücke and Elstertalbrücke. So I hope, i can help you.
my English is not very well, it is not viel and a net schnell. Just a joke for beginning.
First of all welcome in our forum and I wish you a nice time in Vogtland. If you want to photograph some trains you should go to the route Leipzig-Hof. It's the main line with stations for example in Reichenbach, Herlasgrün, Plauen, Mehltheuer. There's public transport with Vogtlandbahn. It's a private railroad company with vehicles like Desiro and RegioSprinter. A Desiro you can see on the picture on top of the page. The express trains between Dresden and Nürnberg are driven by Deutsche Bahn. They use so called VT612. Between Leipzig and Hof you can find trains with a locomotiv BR218 and almost four wagons. At least we have some freight trains. The trains by Deutsche Bahn all have a diesel engine called "Ludmilla" or BR232/233. There are also some private companys. The "PRESS" takes a container train from Hof to Werdau and the train from Hamburg back to Hof. This one is mostly running at night, but sometimes the train comes by day. The railway will be electrified. At the moment they're working at the Göltzschtalbrücke. This is why the number of freight trains is reduced. But still we have some trains, here are the timetables of them:
51772, daily from Nürnberg to Leipzig, Hof 10.46, Gutenfürst 11.02, Plauen 11.30, Herlasgrün 11.43-48, Reichenbach 12.04-15 51746, monday to friday from Nürnberg to Leipzig, Hof 14.44, Gutenfürst 15.00, Plauen 15.28, Herlasgrün 15.41-49, Reichenbach 16.04 51748, at weekend from Nürnberg to Leipzig Hof 14.44, Gutenfürst 15.03-13, Plauen 15.39, Reichenbach 16.04-35 (changes locomotiv from diesel to electric, at saturday mostly one hour before this times) 47942 tuesday from Nürnberg to Leipzig, it's a petrol train, Hof 8.45, Gutenfürst 09.00, Plauen 09.25, Reichenbach 09.47 51657 wednesday from Leipzig to Nürnberg, Reichenbach 09.14, Herlasgrün 09.29-36, Plauen 09.50-10.13, Gutenfürst 10.54, Hof 11.09 Here you can also find a graphic timetable Timetable
I will collect some pictures of places where you can go to photograph some trains. You will get it next days. I hope this little information is helping you, if you have more questions, write them in our forum, we try to answer them.
Thank you all, specially you Philipp (by the way, your English is really fine, mine is not perfect too, don't worry). Fortunately it's not my 1st time in Plauen but this time I would like to explore the region and that's why I'm looking for info. This forum seems to be the perfect place for me !! About the electrification I read it yesterday and it's a pity for me because my favourite trains are the diesel ones. Well, it's the progress, right? I'm interested in the Ludmilla (one of my favourite locomotives) so I think now I will have the lucky to see them working and do some nice pictures/videos. Also, from the passengers trains, I still prefer the old style (locomotive + coaches). I was looking the special tickets offered by Vogtlandbahn company and I have some doubts, for example:
- VB1 TagesTicket Valid for 1 day, 1 adult, in the following train lines: Zwickau Zentrum - Falkenstein (Vogtl) - Klingenthal (Grenze) Plauen (V) ob Bf - Herlasgrün - Falkenstein (Vogtl) - Adorf (Vogtl) Klingenthal (Grenze) - Kraslice [Anerkennung bei VIAMONT] (is valid to cross the border as I see) Price 7 euro So, with this ticket I can travel all the day with Vogtlandbahn train, doesn't matter how many trains I catch.
- Hopper Ticket I think is like a return ticket for maximal 50 km travel. Question, 50 km both ways or 50+50? Valid from Plauen too? The price is 6,50 euro.
- Sachsen Ticket Valid for 5 persons (so it's a perfect choice for a couple). 28 euro for 1 day without limit of travels within Saschen region. Questions : Is it valid only for Vogtlandbahn trains?
Once again, thank you a lot for replying and helping me. Greetings !!
If you want to travel only in the Vogtland, you can use the "Tagesticket single" for 7 Euro. Its a billet for one day (mo-fr from 7.30 am to 3.00 am at next day, at weekend from 0.00 to 3.00 am at next day) With this one person can travel in vogltand with all regional trains (Vogtlandbahn, RE), and also in busses and tram. But only in Vogtland, (Neumark-Gutenfürst, not in Hof, Zwickau and for travel in czech republic )
If you travel to sachsen, you can use the "Sachsen-Ticket Single". It costs 19 Euro for one person and one day (mo-fr 9.00 am to 3.00 am next day, weekend from 0.00 am to 3.00 am next day) With this you can use all public trains in sachsen, thüringen and sachsen-anhalt. But not ICE or IC.
And there is the "EgroNet Ticket". With this you can also travel to Hof and northern Bavaria and also to some regions in Czech Republic. More information about this you can find here:
The VB-1 Ticket is only for the route along the writen stations. The Hopper-Ticket is not valid for travels from Plauen. This is only for Thüringen and Sachsen-Anhalt.
on the end of this text you can find a zip-file with a pdf-document and a kmz-file. You can load the kmz-file into Google Earth. With this you get a few locations for trainspotting in our region. In the pdf-file you can find some more information about this locations. There is a picture of it and the time when the sun is good for photographing. With Google Earth you can look how to find these places. I know, there are many other places. Look in our forum and you will find much more. The region around Gutenfürst is quite good. If you look in threads of Russpeter you will find a lot of nice pics from there. Simply ask if you want to know anything.
The electrification has started now, so all trains have diesel engines. I just gave you times for freight trains. Here are the times for the RE with BR218 from Leipzig to Hof and back:
If you look in the graphical timetable I gave to you, you find different colored lines. Green ones are Vogtlandbahn, blue line stands for RE with VT612, a dark blue line with text RE 37.. is a RE with BR218, red line is a freight train with Ludmilla. A red-dotted line with a train number that begins with FZT 55... is a regional freight train with a BR294. And there is a red line named with DFG 48... This is a scrap train with a ER20.
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Danke Karsten. Beim Schrott habe ich im Bíldfahrplanprogramm nur geraten, da hast du sicher recht. Lass aber bitte im Beitrag mal DFG drin, da das erzeugen der Bildfahrpläne ein haufen Arbeit macht und dort auch DFG drin steht. So findet er sich etwas besser zu recht. Aber bei den Übergaben kann ich dir ziemlich sicher sagen, dass die FZT heißen.
(I just said thanks to Karsten for checking my last answer. Furthermore we have different opinons about the name of the train categorie of the regional freight trains, but this is not so important for making photos)
There is nothing more to say than that. Thanks Philipp!
@Cesar: Have fun when photographing. Good luck!
Gruß Martin
Wenn bereits der Ansatz falsch ist, so führt strenge Logik unweigerlich zum falschen Ergebnis. Nur Unlogik gibt Dir jetzt noch die Chance, wenigstens zufällig richtig zu liegen.
Zitat von phpoppAber bei den Übergaben kann ich dir ziemlich sicher sagen, dass die FZT heißen.
Ich bin mir aber auch ziemlich sicher, dass es "FZT"s (s.o.) schon länger nicht mehr gibt, nur noch FZ.
EDIT sagt, dass ich mich wohl in diesem Punkt habe täuschen lassen. Nach kurzer Recherche fanden sich unzählige FZT's in betrieblichen Unterlagen, dagegen äußerst selten eine FZ-Übergabe (hat aber gewöhnliche FMB/NAH'er 555XXer "FZT"-Zugnummer und ist auch eine ebensolche, von anderen nicht zu unterscheiden, Sinn dessen erschließt sich mir noch[?] nicht).
Ach Karsten. In dem Sinn war "geraten" nicht gemeint. Das Programm bietet eine Vielzahl an Zuggattungen, auf DFG kam ich, da es ja ein grenzüberschreitender Zug ist, deswegen hab ich "Ferngüterzug für dritte" genommen. Kann man drüber diskutieren Das mit den Übergaben is ne andere Sache. Da bleib ich auf meinem Standpunkt .
Vielen Dank !! Philipp, you gave me very useful information, without your help I could not organize myself. Concerning the tickets, as I see the most interesting are : - Tagesticket single (just need to know exactly the "borders" of Vogtland) - VB1 TagesTicket (I can go to Kraslice in the Czech Rep.) - Sachsen-Ticket Single (amazing price for so big region) With the Sachsen-Ticket I can travel from Plauen to Görlitz, then visit Zittau, go back to Leipzig via Dresden and finally return to Plauen (that's an example). Well, I will consider this route maybe for the next time, for now I think I will use the Vogtland-Tagesticket and also the VB1-Tagesticket. I also have pictures which I did last year in Plauen ob Bf, Plauen unt Bf and Plauen West, maybe I will start to upload some of them into the forum. Once again, thank you all !!